Friday, December 27, 2024

A Journey from Hatred to Healing

Racism is something I’ve come to hate with every fiber of my being—but I didn’t always feel this way. I grew up a racist. Ironically, my racism was fueled by the hate I experienced as a Hispanic child. Both white kids and black kids targeted me, and I couldn’t understand why. The more I was bullied, the more hatred festered in my heart.

Growing up in Florida, my family worked hard—relentlessly hard. My dad was a foreman at an orange processing plant, and after school, my siblings and I would pick oranges alongside him. Before school, after school, weekends—it was constant.

I’ll never forget moments of cruelty. In first grade, a boy named Billy tripped me and tried to hit me with a rock, but my friend Johnny intervened just in time. Another time, I defended my sister from a group of kids by swinging my belt buckle until teachers broke it up. These kinds of experiences were routine, and over time, they turned me into someone I didn’t like.

When we moved back to Texas, I lashed out. On my first day of school, I beat up a white boy named Tony for no reason other than anger. I’ll never forget what he said—it forced me to look at myself. I realized I was becoming like those who had mistreated me, and I hated it.

So, I made a choice: I stopped. It wasn’t easy, but I made a conscious effort to change. Slowly, I began to spend time with people of all races, and I saw the good in them. My sense of humor helped break barriers, but I still carried bad habits and bitterness deep down.

Everything changed when I got saved. At 13, I started working full-time at an officers’ club for the Confederate Air Force. There, I met people from all over the world—veterans, civilians, even a survivor of the Hiroshima bombing who became a close friend. These relationships opened my eyes to the value and dignity of every human being.

But it wasn’t until I encountered the love of God that I truly found freedom. His love gave me a purpose: to share the gospel with anyone willing to call on Jesus for salvation.

Even now, remnants of my past creep up. Sometimes I say something thoughtless, and my son will point out that it sounds borderline racist. Those moments humble me, and I seek forgiveness from my family and God.

Racism has an ugly history, not just in my life but in the world. I’ve read about the horrors of medical experiments performed on enslaved black women, who were treated as nothing more than property. These atrocities are a stain on humanity, just as the Holocaust was. And while racism has touched every group, the suffering of black women in particular during the 1800s is something history cannot erase.

When we talk about who built this country, it’s fair to acknowledge the role of slaves. Their labor was foundational. Yet, no matter our background, we all share a common humanity.

Hatred divides; love unites. I’m grateful God’s love triumphed over the hate in my heart. My prayer is that we continue to learn, grow, and love one another as God loves us.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Hello, hello, Is there anybody out there!

I cant remember the last time i wrote down anything on my blog, but i figured i would post a thought today. First of all I am so glad to be saved, I was reading much of my older post and i could tell i am not the person i used to be when i first put down first post. Alot has changed and I am worried that I will fail again as a Christian, The Lord did bring me back a few weeks ago and felt good, I am worried to slip back again. I don't want that. doesn't feel good to be depressed and defeated. Alot has happened these past few years and hard to pin point my downfall but I can say this, It was a great fall, and i only say that because of how it affected my family and especially my wife. I have had my joy restored and it felt great. a new song was placed in my heart and was able to get back to the music that moves my soul. Don't get me wrong, I do not listen to worldly music I just lost grip of the songs that i would here, Saturday while studying for Sunday School and Jr Church God filled me so much listening to old music I used to here, I am glad God can still use me.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

                                            WHERE ARE YOU AT CALVARY?

IN our thought, let us go back to a little hill called Calvary and look on an old rugged cross, the
emblem of suffering and shame.

And as we survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, I trust we shall count our richest gain but loss and pour contempt on all our pride.

As we gather around Golgotha to visualize afresh that tragedy that marked the crossroads of the ages, let us remember that each of us is represented in one or another of the groups that met at the cross.

It seems that God so arranged it that every sort of man or woman is typified in the
different classes that watched Him die.

The song we heard, “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?” Yes, you were there, you
are there, for Calvary stands in the midst of the swarming multitudes today.

There is a sense in which you stand at Calvary now, and your condition is declared, your salvation is decided, your destiny is determined, by the attitude you take toward the cross of Christ and the Christ of the cross.

Let Study the groups that gathered at Calvary, and see if you can find your crowd there.

I. Consider first the soldiers.

They clad Him in the robe; they spat in His face; they pressed the crown of thorns upon His brow and watched the blood and spittle mix upon His face; they smote Him and mocked Him and nailed Him to the tree.

But they only administered the wounds that all the sin of all the world had caused.

It was you and I who spat upon Him, who crowned Him with the thorny diadem.

Your sins and mine nailed Him to the tree. We had a part in that, for “He was wounded for our

He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon,him; and with his stripes we are healed.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

When you refuse Him, when you live on in sin and spurn the Word and reject the pleading of the
Spirit, you are pressing the thorny crown upon Him, you are spitting upon Him, smiting Him,
crucifying Him.

You cannot blame it on the soldiers; for you are more guilty than they. He said they knew not
what they did, but you know: you live in a land of Bibles and churches.
I had rather have been that ignorant Roman soldier than an intelligent American now if I were determined to reject Him.

We read further of these soldiers that “sitting down, they watched him there” (Matthew 27:36).
As you read this message presenting Christ crucified, you also “sit and watch Him there.”

And although you helped to put Him there and are more guilty than the soldiers, you do not seem to care.

How can men’s hearts be so hard? How can they watch Him there in sermon and song and
yet politely go away as though it made no difference that He lived or died?

The soldiers also gambled for the seamless robe (John 19:23-24). It was bad enough to watch,
but they gambled, and for His vestments they cast lots!

The world plays its games today at the foot of the cross.

No matter where you are, you are facing Calvary, and men sit before the eternal fact and gamble away health and time and talents and reputation and soul while the crucified Christ looks on.

It matters not what else you are, if you are not a “soldier OF the cross” you are a soldier AT the
cross, gambling away your day of grace, gambling for money and pleasure and position and the
tinsel trinkets of earth.

And soon you must pass away and other gamblers take your place, while you move out into darkness, for the cross will have sentenced you: “He that believeth not is
condemned already.”

Are you a soldier at the cross?

II. We read next of those who “passed by, wagging their heads” (Matthew 27: 39-40;
Mark 15: 29-30).

These passers-by did not actually crucify Him; they only passed by, reviling Him. It is
fashionable nowadays to pass by Calvary, wagging the head.

From the blasphemers of Russia to indifferent souls who use the name of Jesus as a by-word, men pass by the cross today and jeer at the Prince of Glory.

The Word records three things of these passers-by.

First, they misquoted the claims of our Lord.

They shouted, “Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself.”
He had not said that; He had said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”
(John 2: 19).
But that is as near as critics ever come to the truth! What a perfect type of those
who twist the Scriptures to suit their own purposes!
Then, they minimized His death. “Save thyself; come down from the cross.”

They did not believe He “must needs have suffered” or that “He that saveth his life shall lose it.”

So modern critics make light of Calvary, see no need for atonement, ridicule a “slaughterhouse
theology.” It is the same old philosophy of “save thyself” that would bring Christ down from the cross, because to them His death was unnecessary.

Finally, the passers-by mocked His Deity.

“If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.” But that was exactly what kept Him
on the cross!

Today critics wag their heads and deny His deity and speak of the peril of worshiping Jesus.

They reduce His holy name “Emmanuel” to mere “man”; they see a great teacher, an idealist, the crystal Christ but not the Calvary Christ. The first word of their creed is “If,” just as these passers-by cast their doubts at Him: “If thou be the Son of God . . .”

Are you among the passers-by, wagging your head at Calvary?

Do you misquote His claims and twist the Scriptures to suit yourself?

Do you minimize His death and whittle down the meaning of the cross?

Do you doubt His deity and see in His death only a noble example of self sacrifice?
It is a dreadful thing to be a passer-by at Calvary.

III. Consider a third group at the cross, the chief priests, scribes and elders (Matthew 27:41-43).
Here is the religious class!

One would have expected them to be quiet and dignified at least, but even the sanctimonious chief priests forgot themselves and cried with the rabble.

Alas, no group of men behaved worse at the cross than the religionists. Who were these men who stood at Calvary and taunted the Son of God?

Men who studied the Scriptures, prayed in public, attended the house of God, gave tithes, led clean moral lives; but for all that they joined the enemies of Christ at Calvary.

Today there are no worse enemies of the Lord Jesus than those hypocrites whose names are on the church books, who work in the church, read the Bible, pray in public, give their money to the church, but for all that, “draw near with their mouths and honor with the lips but their hearts are far from Him.”

No group of men and women has caused more pain to the heart of Christ than the Pharisees, who go through all the motions of Christianity, sing its hymns and recite its creeds and keep its
ordinances, but never come under the blood of the cross in a genuine experience of saving faith.
No matter what else they may do, their lives are a hollow mockery; they stand with the priests,
scribes and elders at Calvary.

IV. Another group stood at the cross—the general crowd termed simply “the people.”

“And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done,
smote their breasts and returned” (Luke 23:35, 48).

They did not revile, nor wag their heads; they just looked and did nothing. Most people come
under this classification: When Christ is preached and the cross is held up, they do not revile nor insult the Lord; they just look on respectfully and then do nothing about it.

But all that any man need to do to be lost is just that . . . nothing.

“How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” and to neglect one need do nothing at

It is not necessary to be a drunkard, a thief, or an infidel. One need only “stand beholding,”
listen to, pay polite attention, and let it go at that, and he will find himself as truly lost as the worst criminal.

Looking unto Jesus will save us, but merely looking at Jesus has never saved anyone and never will.

These people behold Him; they looked at Him but not unto Him.

It is added that “they smote their breasts and returned.” It is possible to go a step farther than
beholding Him and still be lost.

These people were impressed at Calvary; the darkness and the death of the Lord stirred them; and the awful solemnity of the greatest hour in history hushed them with an awful silence.

But they only smote their breasts and went away.

So do men sit under the preaching of the gospel, and as the awful realities of sin and the cross
and judgment and hell are made vivid before them, they are impressed, stirred, moved.

But they walk out the door and say it was a good sermon; they only smite their breasts and go away.

It takes more than a pious gesture to save the soul.

In Luke 18: 13 I read of another man who smote his breast, but he followed it with a prayer,
“God, be merciful to me a sinner,” and he went home justified.

The people smote their breasts and went home terrified; the publican smote his breast and went away justified because he followed it with confession and prayer for mercy.

It does no good to be impressed and smite your breast unless you follow it with humility and confession and prayer for pardon.

V. But there was another at the cross who went still farther.

Combining the different accounts of the centurion, we find that he did four things that lead to

He not only was impressed, but he gave expression to his impression, yet I do not believe he was saved.

First, “he feared greatly,” but “the devils also believe, and tremble” (James 2: 19). Fear may
lead to conversion as with the Philippian jailer, but fear not followed by faith is of no avail.

Next, the centurion declared, “Certainly this was a righteous man,” (Luke 23: 47) but that was
only an opinion about Christ, and it is not an opinion about Christ but faith in Christ that saves.

Furthermore, he called Christ the Son of God, but since men may call Him Lord and do not what
He commands, so this may have been only a wordy tribute of the lips inspired by the moment.

He that believes Jesus is the Son of God has life through His name (John 20:31); God dwells in
him (I John 4:15); he overcomes the world (I John 5:5) and has the witness in himself (I John

But there is all the difference in the world between believing with the heart unto righteousness and merely uttering a lofty sentiment under great excitement.

Finally, the centurion glorified God, but although God, Who makes even the wrath of men to
praise Him, received glory, this may have been glorifying Him with the lips and not with the heart.

It is possible to say, “Lord, Lord,” and be told, “I never knew you.” Of course, if the centurion believed with his heart, he was saved.

But it is possible to make all four of these expressions concerning Christ and not be saved.

One may fear, call Christ righteous, call Him the Son of God, and even glorify God under the pressure of the moment, and still be lost.

VI. But we come to one who was saved beyond a doubt, the penitent thief (Luke 23:39-43).

The Scriptures record but one case of “death-bed repentance,” “One that none may despair, and only one that none may presume.”

Here was a criminal, the vilest of the vile. But of all the throng that witnessed the death of our Lord, the lowest character was the only one saved that day.

Truly, “not many mighty and noble are called.”

How simple was his prayer! He only asked to be remembered, not given a place in the kingdom
as had been asked for James and John.

He did not even ask to be let in—just remembered.

Abraham said to Dives, “Son, remember.” The only way to avoid having to hear that hereafter
is to pray, “Lord, remember,” now!

How gracious was our Lord’s reply! “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” There has
been much argument as to paradise, where and what it is. Is it not enough that He said, “Thou
shalt be with me”!

Wherever He is will be paradise!

So the first person to enter paradise after Jesus was this thief, not some dignitary of earth, some
man of wealth and position.

The first recruit for glory was a criminal! Is it not in keeping with the whole tenor of the gospel that this should be the case?

The friend of publicans and sinners died first. He had to die first or the thief never would have died, for no one ever died in the presence of Jesus.

But on that very day the first to follow Him into the glory was the basest character at Calvary.
Verily, God hath chosen the base and despised that no flesh should glory in His presence.

No wonder that we sing:
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me!

Of all the groups at the cross considered thus far, I would rather have been this thief ten thousand times than any other.

Little did the Roman soldiers and haughty Pharisees and indifferent people who passed by dream that the man who got most from that awful day was the very last man anyone would have imagined to be in line for a blessing. It has been thus through the ages.

Those who have gotten most from Calvary have been those who came just as they were without one plea but that His blood was shed for them.

The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.

Finally, all who plunge beneath that fountain filled with blood belong to the last group at Calvary, those who loved Him, His acquaintance, and the women who followed Him from Galilee
(Luke 23:49),
His mother and John the beloved. I am glad that on that day He was not utterly forsaken; a few who loved Him stood by.
Are you among those who love Him?

You sing, “Oh, How I Love Jesus,” but do you love Him crucified, and what does His cross mean to you?

It is one thing to sing “The Old Rugged Cross” on Sunday morning; it is another to survey that wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died and count our richest gain but loss and pour contempt on all our pride.

It is one thing to talk about His love . . . and what a love it is! “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (I John 4: 10).

Call back all days of the ages, All snowflakes come down from above, All flowers of summer departed, But think not to measure His love.

It is easy to talk of such love, but such love demand? something from us.

Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Who loves Jesus, anyway? “He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that
loveth me” (John 14: 21).

“If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14: 15). “If a man love me, he will keep my words” (John 14:23).

How do we love Jesus? The natural man does not, cannot love Jesus, but “unto us who believe, He is precious” (I Peter 2:7).

We first must receive Him into our hearts as Saviour, then “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Romans 5: 5).

And we prove that we love Jesus by loving one another (John 13: 35) with a practical love that really helps (I John 4: 19-21).

Where do you stand at Calvary? After all, there are but two classes at the cross: those who rest
upon the work our Lord accomplished for salvation and those who reject the provisions of His

There is a sense in which, while we are at the cross, we also are on the cross. “His own self
bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (I Peter 2: 24). Why? “That we, being dead to sins,
should live unto righteousness.”

Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20) because his self-life was nailed to the tree in the body of Christ.
He just put Himself in your place and mine.

His work there is a finished work. Will you believe it and rest upon it and commit yourself to the Great Shepherd and Bishop of your soul? Where are you at Calvary?
It has been a while since I have posted a blog, but don't fret I am still true to the Lord, I know I have failed him but He truly has never failed me. I just got done studying for my Sunday school lesson for the adults and am excited that The Lord has still blessed my efforts. I am weak and feeble but I know the Lord will fill me with His word. For it is His word that I hold true today. The KING JAMES BIBLE is the only true word for man today. Many have tried to wreck and discredit the bible, but then again that's why we have freedom of speech, so skeptics keep on picking and I will keep on preaching.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I am ANGRY!!!!

When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred.
Thomas Jefferson

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.”

Marcus Aurelius quotes (Roman emperor, best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy, AD 121-180)

Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.”

― Malcolm X

Where is the love for this country?

John Adams quotes:

Let us disappoint the Men who are raising themselves upon the ruin of this Country.

I answered that the die was now cast; I had passed the Rubicon. Swim or sink, live or die, survive or perish with my country was my unalterable determination.
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.

Monday, April 30, 2012


It is wonderfully true and sweet that "the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." If you are not saved, I remind you again of God's love for you, how He longs to save you and is even seeking you right now.

Since it is still true that He seeks and saves, you can be saved right where you are if you will just trust Him as your Saviour. When you place your trust in Christ, making Him your only hope of Heaven, He gives you His gift of salvation, which is eternal life.

If you will trust Him now, I want you to pray this simple prayer, telling Him that you will:

Dear Lord Jesus, I admit to You I am a sinner who deserves to go to Hell to pay for my sins. But I thank You for dying on the cross to pay my sin penalty and rising from the dead to be my Saviour. Right now I do trust You as my Saviour. I place all my hope for Heaven on You and what You did for me on the cross, and I here and now claim salvation as Your free gift to me. Thank You for saving my soul and making me a child of God. Amen.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Kiss of Death

Matthew 26:47 And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people.

The traitor's kiss. He gave them a sign. The Roman soldiers, perhaps others also, did not know the Person of the Lord. The sign was to be a kiss. The traitor had known the Lord intimately; he had been, it seems, on the same footing of affectionate friendship with him as the rest of the twelve.
He would kiss him now for the last time; but that last kiss would be, not the kiss of peace, but the deadly breath of hellish treachery, the cold, wicked kiss of hypocrisy—the kiss of death.
He came; he said, "Hail, Master!" and he dared to pollute the face of the Lord with his unholy kiss. He kissed him. The Greek word seems to imply that he did it with an affectation of earnestness, with much warmth of manner, perhaps out of excitement, perhaps in fear; perhaps he thought, in his madness and folly, that he might be able to conceal his sin.
Christ and the apostles might think that he was coming simply to join them, and might not discover his connection with the band that followed. But the Lord went forth, "knowing all things that should come upon him." He knew the evil heart of Judas. "Companion," he said—he could not call him "friend;" and the Greek word has something of sternness in it, as in Mt 20:13 and Mt 22:12—"is it this for which thou art come?" "Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"
He showed his Divine knowledge; he showed his almighty power. At the words, "I am he," "they went backward, and fell to the ground." But then he meekly yielded himself to suffer and to die.
One word of wrath would have swept his assailants into utter death. He would not speak it; for he came to lay down his life for his sheep. "Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Young Must Die,

Matthew 9:18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

The young must die, and may die in early life, Mt 9:18. Very short graves are in every burying-ground. Thousands and millions, not more than twelve years of age, have died. Thousands and millions, not more than twelve years of age, are yet to die. Many of these may be taken from Sunday-schools. Their class, their teacher, their parents, sisters, and brothers, must be left, and the child be carried to the grave. Many children of that age, that have been in Sunday-schools, have died happy. They loved the Saviour, and they were ready to go. Jesus was near to them when they died, and they are now in heaven. Of every child we may ask, Are you ready also to go when God shall call you? Do you love the Lord Jesus so as to be willing to leave all your friends here, and go to him?

Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

DAVID SOUGHT DELIVERANCE from imminent peril, and he felt sure of obtaining it; for being a servant of the Lord he knew that his life was too precious in the sight of God for it to be lightly brought to an end. It should be a source of consolation to all tried saints that God will not deliver them over to the hands of their enemies; it is not the will of their Father who is in heaven that one of his little ones should perish. A shepherd who did not care for his sheep might suffer the wolf to devour it, but he who prizes it highly will put his own life in jeopardy to pluck the defenseless one from between the monster's jaws.

note from The Preacher,"Careful in reading this next paragraph,"
Death in itself cannot be precious; it is terrible. It cannot be a precious thing to God to see the noblest works of his hand torn in pieces, his skillful embroidery in the human body rent, defiled, and given over to decay. Death in itself cannot be a theme for rejoicing with God. But death in the case of believers is another matter. To them, it is not death to die; it is a departure out of this world unto the Father, a being unclothed that we may be clothed upon, a falling asleep, an entrance into the Kingdom. To the saint death is by no means such a thing as happeneth unto the unregenerate.

There is no limit as to where, and, dear brethren, there is no limit as to how. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Their deaths may happen suddenly; they may be alive, and active, and in a moment fall down dead, but their death is precious. I could never understand that prayer which is put into the prayer-book, that God would deliver us from sudden death. Why, methinks, it is the most desirable death that a person could die, not to know you die at all, to have no fears, no shiverings on the brink, but to be busy in your Master's service here, and suddenly to stand in the white robe before his throne in heaven, shutting the eye to the scenes below, and opening it the scenes above. I know, if I might ask such a favor, I would covet to die as a dear brother in Christ died, who gave out this hymn from his pulpit:—

"Father, I long, I faint to see
The place of thine abode
I'd leave thine earthly courts, and flee
Up to thy seat, my God."

Now to the tiltle of Post, The Young Must Die.

2 Samuel 12:22 And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live?


1. The cause of it. The sufferings and deaths of little children are painful to witness, and awaken many questionings. Why should these innocent lambs suffer? Why should the sinless die? To which we may reply, Why should they not, seeing that to them death is an escape from a world of sin and misery, with its awful possibilities of evil, into the world of perfect and eternal purity, safety, and bliss? Resides, he who gave life may take it at his pleasure. Holy Scripture throws some further light upon the mystery. It teaches us in general, that, death came into the world through sin. Children die because they belong to a sinful, dying race. Their deaths are part of the penalty of the sins of men. In them the innocent suffer for the guilty, because of their guilt, and to promote their deliverance from sin. Amongst the forces at work to promote repentance and holiness, not the least powerful are the deaths of little children. God thus finds a way to the hearts of parents and their surviving children. In the case of David we have express Divine explanation of the death of the babe (ver. 2 Samuel 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. ). It was inflicted on account of the sin to which it owed its existence, and to vindicate the justice of God as against the blasphemies of his enemies. And not unfrequently now the child's death is the direct consequence and penalty of the sins of its father or mother. But in such cases, as in David's, love is revealed as well as righteousness. "The Lord struck" David's child,

2. not only to show his displeasure at David's sin, but to deepen his penitence, and promote his godliness and holiness.

3. Its effect on David. It might have seemed probable that, when the babe was taken ill, the father, while not actually desiring its death, would at least not have been much grieved at the prospect of it. For it was a child of shame, and as long as it lived would be a perpetual reminder of the dreadful past, and would keep alive the memory of it in the court and nation. And it is a striking proof of the tenderness and strength of the monarch's affections that the prospect of the death of his little boy was so distressing to him. Partly, however, his intense longing that the child's life should be spared sprang probably from the feeling that this would be a fresh assurance to him that his sins were forgiven. In his distress he resorted to prayer for the child's restoration. How could he do this, seeing Nathan had expressly told.him that it should certainly die? It seems that Divine announcements of punishments were not regarded as irrevocable, however positive their terms. Compare the eases of Hezekiah [2Ki 20:1-6] and of Nineveh. [Jon 3:4-10] So David said, "Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live?" and he persevered in prayer and fasting and self-humiliation until the death of the child extinguished all hope. He "went in" to a retired part of his palace, and east himself on the ground, beseeching God for the child, and fasting (ver. 16); and in these exercises he continued day and night, until on the seventh day the child died (ver. 18). Doubtless, during that period of solitary communion with God, not only (lid he pray for the child's life, but reflected much on his sins, indulged anew his peuitential grief, prayed for forgiveness and a cleansed heart, surrendered himself and his babe to the Divine will, sought strength to endure whatever might be before him, and grace to derive lasting profit from all that he was passing through, whatever the issue might be. In all which we do well to take him as an example.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I am Dying, Should I be scared? Did I waste my time? Did I tell any one of Christ Love?

In the world to come there will be something of such a nature that when the mind reflects upon it joy will spring up in the heart like an unsealed fountain, that will spontaneously bubble and outflow and glow and sparkle and sing as it goes. And what is it? “My name is written in heaven. I am sick. but my name is written up yonder, and sickness shall not have eternal dominion over me. I am slandered, but my name is written up yonder and slander’s foul stain shall not forever spot my good name. My name is written up yonder. I am dying, but death shall not have eternal dominion over me. My name is written up yonder. The Judgment Day is coming. The heavens are on. fire and the earth is in blaze. Graves open and hell yawns, and the white throne looms up, but, ah me! on that throne a book called the Lamb’s Book of Life, and whosoever’s name is written there need never fear the second death, which means to be cast into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels. Now, I rejoice in that.”

Oh the Lost of a blessing in telling others;

A young man, some time ago, lay dying, and his mother thought he was a Christian. One day, passing his room door she heard him say, "Lost! lost! lost!" The mother ran into the room and cried, "My boy, is it possible you have lost your hope in Christ, now you are dying?" "No, mother, it is not that; I have a hope beyond the grave, but I have lost my life. I have lived twenty-four years, and done nothing for the Son of God, and now I am dying. My life has been spent for myself; I have lived for this world, and now, while I am dying, I have given myself to Christ; but my life is lost." Would it not be said of many of us, if we should be cut down, that our lives have been almost a failure — perhaps entirely a failure as far as leading anyone else to Christ is concerned? Young lady! Young man! are you working for the Son of God? Are you trying to win some soul to Christ? Have you tried to get some friend or companion to have her name written in the book of life? Or would you say, "Lost, lost! long years have rolled away since I became a child of God, and I have never had the privilege of leading one soul to Christ?" If there is one professed child of God who never had the joy of leading even one soul into the kingdom of God, oh! let him begin at once. There is no greater privilege on earth. And I believe, my friends, there has never been a time, in our day, at least, when work for Christ was more needed than at present. I do not believe there ever was in your day or mine a time when the Spirit of God was more poured out upon the world. There is not a part of Christendom where the work is not being carried on; and it looks very much as if the glad tidings were just going to take, as it were, a fresh start, and go round the globe. Is it not time that the Church of God should wake up and come to the help of the Lord as one man, and strive to beat back those dark waves of death that roll through our streets, bearing upon their bosom the noblest and the best we have? Oh, may God wake up the Church! And let us trim our lights, and go forth and work for the kingdom of His Son.

Note from The Preacher;
Please make it a point to read this last post.

I read, the other day, of a chaplain in the Northern army in the lamentable war in the United States, who, while he lay wounded on the battle-field, heard a man, not far off, utter an oath. Though he himself was so badly wounded that he could not stand, yet he wished to reach the swearer to speak a gospel message to him, and he though, "I can get to him if I roll over." So, though bleeding profusely himself, he kept rolling over and over till he got to the side of the poor blasphemer, and on the lone battle-field he preached to him Jesus. Some of the other men came along, and he said to them, "Can you carry me? I fear that I am dying, but I do not want to be taken off the field. I should like you, if you would, to carry me from one dying man to another, all the night long, that I might tell them of a Saviour." What a splendid deed was this! A bleeding man talking to those who were full of sin about a Saviour's bleeding wounds! Oh, you who have no wound, who can walk, and possess all the faculties to fit you for the service, how often you miss opportunities and refuse to speak of Jesus!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I must, Keep Preaching!!

Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

Now we come to another great conflict in the prophet’s mind (Jer 20:7-18). Take first Jer 20:14-18. He was cast down. He was in terrible agony, Jer 20:14: “Cursed be the day in which I was born.” That is like Job 3. God has commanded me to preach this awful message and then he lets these men persecute me. Oh that I had never been born! O God, what dost thou mean by getting me into this trouble? Thus he complains. He had thought to quit preaching. He was discouraged: “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name.” But then he said, I cannot quit; I must preach. Now that is a true prophet. He makes up his mind that he will not preach, but he cannot help it. He is God’s man. And as God’s man he must preach. “Then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I cannot contain.” He rises to higher ground, Jer 20:11: “O Lord, thou art a mighty one and my persecutors shall not prevail.”

The burning fire of inspiration.

I THESE WORDS ARE A PROOF OF THE GENUINE INSPIRATION OF THE PROPHET. He is not thinking of convincing others of the fact of his inspiration, but simply pouring out the trouble of soul that it occasions. The ingenuousness of the utterance and the indirect allusion to the inspiration make them the more valuable. Then, the words of prophecy gained the prophet no power nor popularity, but only contempt and persecution It is impossible to stud the language of Jeremiah without feeling that he was overwhelmed with the consciousness of a Divine spiritual influence, while the dignity, vigor, and moral sublimity of his prophecies make it unreasonable to suppose that he was a self-deceived fanatic.

II THESE WORDS ARE AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE POWERFUL INFLUENCE OF INSPIRATION. This was not a mere illumination; it was a power. The inspired prophet was not simply gifted with insight into truth; he was swayed by the might of it. He did not feel at liberty to deal with it as he pleased, to mediate on it by himself, to suppress it, to utter it only as his convenience was suited; it was his master, a hand laid heavily upon him, a fire burning in his bosom, that must come out. The same experience is felt by all men who have spiritual relations with truth. They do not hold truth; they find that truth holds them. That inspiration influences the will as well as the intellect is strikingly proved in the case of Balaam. [Nu 24] The reason of this is found in the real presence of the Spirit of God. Revelation is by inspiration, and inspiration is the breathing of God's Spirit into a man's spirit, so that he becomes possessed by it. The tremendous importance of the truth revealed increases this compulsion of utterance. Jeremiah had revealed to him no barren, abstract dogmas, no trivial religious notions, no empty answers to curious prying questions of little practical moment, but terrible truths concerning his people and their highest interests. How could he hide such truths as we liars seen he had been entrusted with? If God speaks it must be to utter important words. The burden of them urges their custodian to declare them.

III THESE WORDS ARE AN EVIDENCE OF THE PAINFUL EFFECTS OF INSPIRATION. No man need desire to be a prophet from motives of worldly ambition or selfish pleasure. The high privilege of inspiration carries with it danger, toil, anguish, terror. Prophecy has its Gethsemanes and its Golgothas. If its mission is faithfully carried out it leads to the cross. If this is faithlessly abandoned the prophet is consumed with inward fires. Inspiration is no substitute for mental labor, no excuse for intellectual indolence. On the contrary, it rouses the whole soul, quickens its energies, and works them to weariness. In so far as any of us are possessed in varying degrees by spiritual influences we shall find the Word of God a fire within us, which burns till we have discharged the minion it brings.

I knew one preacher who ran fifteen kinds of secular businesses, and was then surprised that he was not equal to Paul as a preacher! He had that many irons in the fire. I would advise the preacher not to try to ride, at the same time, two horses going in opposite directions. But that is as easy as it is for a preacher to entangle himself with the affairs of this world. If he makes a good deal of money, he will take the sore throat, and every time one sees him he will explain how he had to quit preaching on account of his voice failing; that his physicians advised him to stop.

But let a preacher be nearly barefooted, with not much of this world’s goods, and with the fire burning in his heart that he must preach, and he will preach. But if he is able to go in a coach and six, he always says, “Put up some of the other brethren.”

I knew one preacher who was doing well as a pastor until a rich man called him to be his private secretary. Since then he has quit preaching, and is now only a millionaire.

BH Carroll, A preacher I love to study from, once made this statement;

"I have a Texas friend who wishes me to quit preaching the gospel and preach socialism. He says that I am wasting my time and gifts. I tell him that I am following in the footsteps of our Lord. I go through the world seeing many things that are wrong — wrong politically, wrong economically, wrong in a thousand other ways. If I enter into this political arena, try to revolutionize the world as a politician, I will certainly fail as a preacher. Other men before me have tried it and failed. I do a better thing; I can preach a gospel whose principles will reform society, whose principles will ultimately bring about the greatest good to the greatest number in all things."

note from THE PREACHER,
If you are called of God to preach You have the highest calling in this world, if asked to be president of this nation my reply would be," Thank you for the recomendation, but I couldnt stand the demotion"

Sound Doctrine, can I preach it though we dont live it?

Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,… A man that is unprincipled with the grace of God, has an experimental acquaintance with the Gospel of Christ, and is guided by the Spirit of God into all truth, as it is in Jesus, cannot knowingly deliver, maintain, and abide by any doctrine that is contrary to the glory of God's grace, and the person of Christ, the work of the Spirit, the fundamental doctrines of the Bible; or what is repugnant to the experiences of God's people, and prejudicial to their souls.

Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. A corrupt preacher, one destitute of the truth of the Gospel, reprobate concerning the faith, who never had any experience of the doctrines of grace, and denies them in the theory of them, cannot, consistent with himself, and his own principles, deliver, or preach good doctrine; or that which tends to produce any good fruit, either in the experience or lives of men. It is true, a corrupt man, that is, an unregenerate man, may preach sound doctrine, it being what he believes, though he has no experience of it: but then this man is not a corrupt tree, that is, a corrupt preacher, though a corrupt man. As our Lord means by "a good tree", not a good man, barely, or one that is made so by the grace of God; but a good minister, one that is furnished by the Spirit of God, and is well instructed in the kingdom of heaven: so by "a corrupt tree" he does not mean a corrupt man, a man that is in a state of nature, habitually and practically evil; but a corrupt preacher, a false prophet or teacher, that has sucked in corrupt principles, and has nothing else in him, and therefore can bring forth no other.

Pulpit Commentary

Parallel passage: Lu 6:43. {cf. also infra, Mt 12:33} A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. This correspondence of external product to internal character is necessary. It cannot (emphatic) be otherwise. It' the heart is good, good results follow; therefore, he implies, if good results are not seen in these "false prophets," it is because of their real character. A bad life cannot but spring from a worthless heart. Of course, our Lord deals only with the general rule. There are apparent anomalies in the world of spirit as of nature. Bring forth... bring forth; enegkein,  A good tree cannot have bad fruit hanging on it; a rotten or worthless tree cannot, with all its efforts, produce good fruit.

The People's New Testament Commentary

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. The Lord points to the uniform law of nature. Every tree bears after its kind. As is the tree, so is the fruit. The same principle holds good in the moral world. A good man will show forth good deeds, while a bad man will bear fruit according to his nature.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pride.....What is it, and where does it come from.

In the first place, pride is a groundless thing. It standeth on the sands; or worse than that, it puts its foot on the billows which yield beneath its tread; or worse still, it stands on bubbles, which soon must burst beneath its feet. Of all things pride has the worst foothold; it has no solid rock on earth whereon to place itself. We have reasons for almost everything, but we have no reasons for pride. Pride is a thing which should be unnatural to us, for we have nothing to be proud of. What is there in man of which he should glory? Our very creation is enough to humble us; what are we but creatures of to-day? Our frailty should be sufficient to lay us low, for we shall be gone to-morrow.

Pride is a disposition to exalt self above others, to get out of one’s proper place in the scale of being, and to climb up over the heads of our equals or superiors.

Pride is a breach of our consecration. As soon as I begin to get proud of what I do, or what I am, what am I proud of? Why, there is in that pride the act of taking away from God his glory. For I promised that God should have all the glory, and is not that part of my consecration? and I am taking it to myself. I have broken my consecration; and I become weak. Mark this, Christian—God will never give thee strength to glorify thyself with. God will give thee a crown, but not to put on thine own head. As sure as ever a Christian begins to write his feats, and his triumphs upon his own escutcheon, and take to himself the glory, God will lay him level with the dust.

John 9:40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?

Observe here, 1. How the Pharisees, who watched all opportunities to ensnare our Saviour, look upon these last words as reflecting upon them; as if Christ did insinuate that they were blind; Are we blind also? They that shut their eyes, and will not see the light which Christ offers to them, are the worst of blind ones.
1. That it is a far greater sin to contemn the known laws of God, than to be ignorant of them; pride is a greater hindrance of knowledge than ignorance, because the proud man thinks he wants no knowledge.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Pride is a common sin, and provoking; yea, a very provoking sin, and so must needs be, because it is an usurpation of the place and power of God, and sets itself against all the commands and threatenings of God: God resisteth the proud, but he giveth grace to the humble:

Proverbs 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
The simple, strong language of the text tells us that pride is a thing which God hates. We should therefore make some inquiries concerning it, and know all we can learn about it; for who would like to have in his heart and life that which is positively odious to the Father of his spirit?

Isaiah 23:9 The LORD of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth.

I PRIDE INVOLVES PERIL TO A MAN'S OWN CHARACTER. There can be no healthy growth where it is present. The passive virtues, which are so specially commended in Christianity, cannot dwell with pride, which is so closely allied with satisfaction in self and the despising of others. Pride is a worm at the loot of the tree of character.

II PRIDE DESTROYS THE COMFORTABLENESS OF A MAN'S RELATIONS WITH HIS FELLOW-MEN. The proud man tries to keep away from his fellows. And his fellows are glad enough to keep away from him. It is inconceivably miserable for a "man to be placed alone in the midst of the earth."

III PRIDE SPOILS A MAN'S RELATIONS WITH GOD. They are founded on the proper humility of the submissive and dependent creature. For man the universal law is, "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time," or else you certainly must, as Tyre, be humbled.—R.T.

Psalms 10:2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
Pride, is a vice which cleaveth so fast unto the hearts of men, that if we were to strip ourselves of all faults one by one, we should undoubtedly find it the very last and hardest to put off. Richard Hooker, 1554-1600.

Note from The Preacher:
Religious persecution in all its phases based on pride.
Psalms 119:21 Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments.
Pride is a plague and torment. Even if no curse came from the law of God, there seems to be a law of nature that proud men should be unhappy men. This led David to abhor pride; he dreaded the rebuke of God and the curse of the law. The proud sinners of his day were his enemies, and he felt happy that God was in the quarrel as well as he.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Ezekiel 33:14-16  Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

The efficacy of repentance.

If, on the one hand, the prophet was warned that some seemingly righteous, superficially good, would fail, he was encouraged, on the other hand, by the assurance that some wicked persons would, as the result of his admonitions, repent and convert, and would be brought to true and Divine life.

I THE SEAT OF REPENTANCE. This must be the spiritual nature. The promptings to a better life come from within, from better feelings and better convictions and purposes. Repentance is a change of mind, of heart.
II THE MANIFESTATIONS OF REPENTANCE. These will vary with the previous life, with the special circumstances, the opportunities and position of the convert. In Ver. 15 these practical proofs of repentance are mentioned, and these acts may be taken as examples of the modes in which true repentance will undoubtedly display itself.
1. The evil deeds of the former life shall not be remembered or imputed.
2. The sentence of death shall be cancelled.
3. The penitent and reformed shall live, i.e. in the life of God himself.—T.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Nothing To Boast About,

There are many times that when I think of my past, there is nothing to be proud of. What I mean is how I lived my sinful life. I life now that I am reaping what I have sown. Yesterday I did something without thinking that my son said, "I want to do that." I explained to my son that when I was 13 I learned that. He was like, well dad I am 15 and so I can try that. I told him no son. I am not proud of the things I know and know to do, especially when my son is watching. And when I think of other things, there just ain't nothing to boast about. He told me, dad you were 13 when you started work. And I quickly reminded him that my school work suffered and eventually dropped out. He doesn't understand that he don't need to work. I want him to learn schooling rather then having to suffer later. I have broken my finger, and broken both ankles I almost killed a man when I was 18 and was on a quick road to death my self. Nothing to boast about though. I am not proud of the way I spoke before. I am not proud that words pop in my head that shouldn't be there. I am not proud of what I have done and the people I have hurt. I remember staring into a heart broken father when he realized what kind of thief I was. Even yesterday my pastor said that probably no one here has been in jail. A sat there thinking I have. And I was ashamed for that. I am not proud of that. I wonder why did I not restrain my self. And why now even now that I am saved, why I i struggle. Why so depressed. Why so much questioning of what I am doing. I am not boasting nothing, I am regretting.  I guess I am just rambling. I do know this,  so glad Jesus didn't give up on me. THANK YOU LORD!