Monday, June 23, 2008

A Jr Church

I preached Sunday morning to the Children yesterday on Death, Before I started to preach I asked the kids what they thought about what I was about to preach and to my amazement not one child wanted me to preach on that, they were so scared, But I told them I had to, Because it is a reality. I started with 2 Samuel 14:14 For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again; neither doth God respect any person: yet doth he devise means, that his banished be not expelled from him.
This verse captivated my heart. I explained to those kids that when the appointment comes to die not even God will stop this appointment. This verse says that God will not make a devise to stop this death. Today Doctors try hard with many devises to keep a man alive, but no man can intervene,
Now I know of those that God healed at what seemed like the door of death, Those I believe were not appointments, and if it was then it contradicts scripture, and I believe that God does not go against his word.
It seems that sickness brings people closer to God, if only they stayed close once those they pray for get sick.
There are many today that try to find the fountain of youth, they spend countless amount of money to stay alive or live long, But Scripture says; Ecclesiastes 8:8 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.
;Neither hath he power in the day of death: many today needs to come to grips with this day.
You see with out Jesus You will die and go to Hell, But when you get saved and that appointed time comes, I believe God will veil our eyes, give us what I can express as dieing Grace.
Now I preached different to what I just posted, but the thought has not escaped me, I guess this is why I posted this thought this morning.

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