Monday, December 31, 2007

The Eve

Well it is the day before the New Year and I am excited what the Lord has in store for us. I know God never promised us tomorrow so I am greatful for today and anticipate the next day. I will be preaching at a church In Crowley tonight for their watch night service and am pretty excited about that. When Brother Roy asked me all I could think of was thank you Lord for still using me and keeping me preaching. Pray for me to stay in the Mind Of Christ and not get in the flesh. It will start at 8:00pm till midnight. And also for traveling Grace. Please don't forget to pray for our missionary's, Luke Shelby a man I met last year and blessed me with his fellowship and testimony is a missionary to Kenya, and living in Kisi. His family needs prayer for there is a uprising in that part of the world due to the reelecting of their president. 10 people have been killed in Kisi already. All around their home gunfire irrupts. Please pray for them. And please pray for my family, Melinda, John Jr., and Nicole.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It was a Christmas miracle

It was a good day for Big John, Santa Baby was good to me and even T-Boy got in the Sears Christmas spirit, I got a total of 328 pieces of Craftman tools, that's right 328. Yeah Baby. Let me break it down, My wife got me a 263 piece tool box set, 43 piece bit set and 16 wrench's of the new design Cross-Force, and 8 piece wrench set called Extreme grip. If you don't know the names or the design I am talking about go visit your nearest Sears store and get up to date man.

What was so funny about the whole shopping for gifts was that T-Boy was with me at sears and said Brother John would you like this, and of course I said yes, But then I schooled him on how can you buy the standard piece's and not the metric knowing that you cant have one set and it being complete, so he bought them both as you can see in the pic below. He is learning. My wife pick up on the fever and when she bought me the Cross-Force wrench's she knew #1 I would be happy but knew that she better get both Metric and standard. I love her. Feel free to click on pics and lust. On a serious note I do want to thank my wife for the gifts.

What a blessing

Brother Eric, his family and other members of his family came by the house Christmas caroling on Christmas Eve and blessed us so much!!! we were asked to go with them but because it was so cold we decided not to go instead we went out driving looking at Chritmas lights and found a house that had their lights flashing to Christmas music!!! it was awesome!!! they had a radio station you tune into and listen to the music as you sit in your car and watch the lights----it was beautiful!!!
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

What an awful thought that our family and Friends will be there.

But hey you are saved and that's all that matters anyways right.
Or will you convince that person to repeat after you and tell them they are OK but yet never see no conversion.
Or maybe they need to here what some believe is the recordings of Hell.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I asked the question to my family; Are you ready?
In life that question seems to be aways asked. Think about it how many times can you think of the times you were asked are you ready. As a child we heard that many times. But as adults we always are the one asking. God asked me if I was ready, My response to Him was yes but then He asked is your family ready. There is one thing about Pastoring I take very highly, and that is accountability. Being accountable to the people we Pastor. I can say one thing positive about my first church, They heard.
Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
I never heard that; was told by many there. Many people are preached at but not taught. I still remember when Ms. Bernadine came to visit and she took me in to the church after Sunday Morning and I can tell she was burdened down. She like many have told me, I don't know I don't know. She knew she was lost but couldn't pray. I kept telling her you can you can and she wouldn't, I mean God was heavy that day with conviction on Ms. Bird (as I would call her) I remember thinking no not her, let her God get saved, I literally felt her crossing the line of no remedy. After I called my wife in to talk to her While I prayed I remember that the Holy Spirit had finally convinced her she could and Asked Jesus to be her Lord. It was wonderful. I still remember the message I preached that morning and had 2 saved that morning Ms Bird made 3.
I remember that night thinking people need to hear the truth. That night I preached with much fervency and had 2 more get saved that night. I haven't spoke much with Ms Bird since then but if you ask her today she can tell you what she told us; I am saved! I have been told by many and even my close friend's that I have no compassion, but God knows me. I will still preached as though it is my last.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I was lost

Aug. 12, 1998
I don't remember much but I do remember waking up one morning dreaming about God and the Book of I or II Corinthians was all I could remember. I called Melinda At her work and explained to her what I had dreamed though it was not much. She did tell me to call the Pastor and so I did. I quite don't remember the conversation but I do know I couldn't wait to go to church. I had just been attending 1 week and was excited to hear the preaching. Till this day I still cant wait to hear the preaching.
Back up a few years and I can remember picking oranges in Florida as a child. I think I was 6 or 8 and I could hear someone preaching the gospel. I was told then it was Hells Fire Preaching, I didn't understand then what that meant but I knew I liked it. I can even remember saying that I wanted to do that then. I even told my mom when I was 10 I wanted to be a priest. Doing something for God then was all I wanted, when the nuns would visit I would tell my mom to ask then if I could be a alter boy. I was lost then but I wanted to do something for God. As the years past I would always make sure church was a part of me. I would even go to summer camps to feel near God. Once as a teenager I read a chick track and I do remember praying that prayer. It was then that I first heard of Hell and dying. For years I would fear dying and not knowing where I was going. Every day it seemed I thought about it. I was so scared. Scared enough that I would get so paranoid. I would lay down and tremble and feel every thing shrinking around me and things going fast. I sometimes would sit on the toilet and cry wondering what do I do.
Fast forward to Aug. 12 1998. It was on that day that I heard the sweetest story ever told, A true story how a King would leave Glory to be born of a virgin live a sinless perfect life and that it was on that tree he died for me. I don't remember much that night, but I do remember asking Jesus to save me.
Dec. 1st 2007, I still think of dying, and some days more that others but you see there is a difference now. I have a place prepared for me. There will be no pain there no more sorrow no more tears to dim the eye, no more parting over there, no more fear of dying for then I have arrived. You see when I die it will be Jesus I will see.
I am saved today. I am a Christian, God has seen me fit to call me to preach and for that I am humbled. I fail Him sometimes, but hey He knew that already.