Saturday, December 1, 2007

I was lost

Aug. 12, 1998
I don't remember much but I do remember waking up one morning dreaming about God and the Book of I or II Corinthians was all I could remember. I called Melinda At her work and explained to her what I had dreamed though it was not much. She did tell me to call the Pastor and so I did. I quite don't remember the conversation but I do know I couldn't wait to go to church. I had just been attending 1 week and was excited to hear the preaching. Till this day I still cant wait to hear the preaching.
Back up a few years and I can remember picking oranges in Florida as a child. I think I was 6 or 8 and I could hear someone preaching the gospel. I was told then it was Hells Fire Preaching, I didn't understand then what that meant but I knew I liked it. I can even remember saying that I wanted to do that then. I even told my mom when I was 10 I wanted to be a priest. Doing something for God then was all I wanted, when the nuns would visit I would tell my mom to ask then if I could be a alter boy. I was lost then but I wanted to do something for God. As the years past I would always make sure church was a part of me. I would even go to summer camps to feel near God. Once as a teenager I read a chick track and I do remember praying that prayer. It was then that I first heard of Hell and dying. For years I would fear dying and not knowing where I was going. Every day it seemed I thought about it. I was so scared. Scared enough that I would get so paranoid. I would lay down and tremble and feel every thing shrinking around me and things going fast. I sometimes would sit on the toilet and cry wondering what do I do.
Fast forward to Aug. 12 1998. It was on that day that I heard the sweetest story ever told, A true story how a King would leave Glory to be born of a virgin live a sinless perfect life and that it was on that tree he died for me. I don't remember much that night, but I do remember asking Jesus to save me.
Dec. 1st 2007, I still think of dying, and some days more that others but you see there is a difference now. I have a place prepared for me. There will be no pain there no more sorrow no more tears to dim the eye, no more parting over there, no more fear of dying for then I have arrived. You see when I die it will be Jesus I will see.
I am saved today. I am a Christian, God has seen me fit to call me to preach and for that I am humbled. I fail Him sometimes, but hey He knew that already.

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