Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just Existing!

I may believe that you are saved, and positionally you may know that you are saved, but you are just existing.
I have studied my Bible and knowing that Gods word is true, He does not want you to just exist knowing that you are saved. He wants you to do good for Him. To keep His commandments and to be a witness, 5 times He gave the commission. 5 in the bible is the number of Grace. Gods Grace through Jesus, salvation by grace through faith. What if I never took the commission and became a witness, what if I wasn't a soul winner. You would still be lost. What about the one one that led you to the Lord. what if they didn't take it serious to win you for Jesus. You would be lost.
Take this anyway you want to, but devices and excuses keep people on the path to Hell. Saying no to God keeps people on the way to Hell. Just being satisfied with being saved keeps people on the way to Hell.
I ask again. What if the one that lead you to the Lord didn't take it serious? You would still be lost and on your way to Hell.

1 comment:

juan said...

So true so called "Christians" today are so comfortable just sitting on the pew, not doing nothing. Yeah they have their fire insurance, & are just satisfied, so sad. I Just dont get it it makes me wonder "IF" they are even saved they do nothing for Christ, but that's between them & God them, One day they will be before the throne of Judgment then it will be too late to realize what they could have done for Jesus, Awe man all fired up AMEN