Saturday, May 1, 2010


Pastor preached a great message tonight, dealing about the fall of satan, but what he said tonight made me study, i have read Ezekiel over and over but it is one word i missed, Ezekiel 28:12 the word, lamentation is there. What he said tonight was that the Lord lamented over the thought of Lucifer falling into sin, now God knows all, and He knew that he would fall, but that was not what he wanted, his pride got to Lucifer and he wanted more. He wanted more but it cost him and those that fell with him. And God said that the Fire will one day meet him. take time to study Ezekiel 28:12-19, then go to Isaiah 14. It was a great message about the fall, I would have loved to have it on tape or cd, but they don't record there at the mission. Pastor later told me that he had preached that @ the church some years ago but he had more liberty tonight, and it seems that way, these men look forward to seeing us, we rotate every Sat on who testifies then preaches, tonight was Pastor Paul. last week was Joe, and I got the helm next Sat, I testified tonight before he preached, I read from Isaiah 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
The wicked think they get away with there sin but God will judge, there reward will come, Gods timing is perfect. I elaborated awhile. and God gave much liberty.

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