Monday, May 24, 2010

A Memory

My first job was with The Confederate Air Force, I met many of WWII,Korean,Vietnam veterans. The one person i met that I never Will forget was a survivor of the Bombing of Hiroshima, She told me how the skin just melted on her body, she was just a child when they dropped the Atomic bomb. She became a friend and we talked daily, she was 64 when I met her. The stories she told me was unusual and interesting. Her husband she met later and was the son of a WWII bomber, not on a B29, but on a B24, I thought that was weird though. Everytime they reenacted the bombing she would shake so much, but she was not mad at the show or at our country, our country had to do what it needed to save many lives, and this she told me her self, amazing. She had many complications, especially her eyesight, she wore dark glasses to protect her sight, and heavy clothing even in hot weather due to her skin being so sensitive, only regret she had was not having children,,,anyways Remember to thank a Vet. and pray for our troops safety and Salvation. I just remembered something she told me,, she mentioned that if she had a child, she would have hope he would be like me,,,I was 16 when I met her and she always would love to just sit and talk. After they closed the base we lost contact, but it was a good 5 years that I never will forget, this is also the first time I mentioned her in years,,My regret is that when I met her I was lost and I don't know about her, oh Lord

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