Friday, July 4, 2008

Our Freinds

I am so excited that our good friends came down to visit us for the July 4th weekend. We stayed up till 2a.m. playing Foosball and just cutting up. They arrived about 8:30p.m. We ate burgers and enchiladas. It was all so good. I get so excited when they come because I miss the fellowships we had when we were down there. We laugh more then talk it seems like, These are our best friends, friends that would drive up over 600 miles to visit.
I want to publicly say to them, Thank You For being our friends DeLeon's, We will miss you guys when you leave.


Sal said...

did juan break out the lawnmower during fooseball??

The Preacher said...

he sure did and he mowed me down like a mad man

juan said...

Ditto,John, It was a great week end of fun, I would wake up in the morning & say real loud, "WHO WANTS TO HAVE SOME FUN?"
We miss you guys till we meet in person next time.Had a blast Bro. sure wish I had talked to your more though.