Friday, November 26, 2010
It has been awhile since I have posted so I figured I would Update. We had a good Thanksgiving Day with freinds and family. Was able to help my mom out a little, I dont make the funds I used to when I lived in La. but God knows. I Pray she gets all the help she needs. I know my little brother has sacrificed alot to be with her. My mother-in-law she out did her self again, all the food was good, and Melindas step-dad made a good breakfast. I feel so full still.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Preacher is Tired
Well I can honestley say I am so tired, Myself and John jr. have been cutting yards for extra money and man is it wearing me out, plus the trip to Georgia last week was exhuasting but yet spiritualy fullfilling. I miised my wife and my children so much as well. (my wife more, because I have been with her the longest). God has been so good to this Preacher that I would have to post another day of his blessings. As for right now I am tired.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Job 1:20-21 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Then Job arose. Not till the last calamity was announced did Job stir. The loss of his wealth little moved him. But when he heard that his children were destroyed, all of them "at one fell swoop," then he could endure no longer, but rose from the seat on which he was sitting, and showed forth his grief. First he rent his mantle, "the outer robe worn by men of rank" (Cook)—a customary sign of grief in the ancient world;1 then he shaved his head—another less usual but still not uncommon sign of grief, forbidden under the Law of the Jews, [Le 21:5; De 14:1] but widely practised by the Gentiles.2 And fell down upon the ground, and worshipped. After giving vent to his natural grief, Job made an act of adoration. Recognizing the fact that adversity, as well as prosperity comes from God, and submitting himself to the Divine will, he "worshipped." How often has his act flashed across the minds of Christians. and enabled them, in their dark hour, to imitate him, and repeat his words, "The Lord gave," etc.!
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
Job 1:20
Rent his mantle - Tearing the garments, shaving or pulling off the hair of the head, throwing dust or ashes on the head, and fitting on the ground, were acts by which immoderate grief was expressed. Job must have felt the bitterness of anguish when he was told that, in addition to the loss of all his property, he was deprived of his ten children by a violent death. Had he not felt this most poignantly, he would have been unworthy of the name of man.
Worshipped - Prostrated himself; lay all along upon the ground, with his face in the dust.
Job's resignation.
We cannot but be struck with the magnificent calmness of Job after receiving the successive blows of unprecedented calamities. He is not stunned; he is not distracted. He possesses his soul in patience. With a singular dignity of bearing he is seen to be greater now in his calamity than ever he appeared when at the height of success.
1. He mourned. This was natural, reasonable, and right. He would have been less than mall if he had taken his troubles without a pang. God loves the heart of flesh, not the stony heart; and the heart of flesh must needs feel great trouble very keenly. God's saint is not a stoic. But though Job mourned, he did so with calmness and self-restraint. He did not fling himself down in passionate grief. His rising, his rending his mantle—from neck to girdle, according to custom—his shaving his head, all indicate his marvellous self-possession. He goes through the dreary process of conventional mourning with unflinching decision. His calmness, however, only covers the depth of his sorrow. There is something terrible about that methodical process. The tragedy is sublime.
2. He worshipped. He did not renounce God. On the contrary, he blessed the Name of the Lord. He could not understand the meaning and end of his strange experience. But he knew God, and he never dreamed of doubting God. Moreover, his trouble drives him to God. He falls before God in adoration. The singular thing is that he is not seen praying for help. His trouble is beyond help, and he is not one to whine in weak misery. He loses himself in adoration of God. This is the great secret of fortitude—not to cry for deliverance, but to forget ourselves in God.
II WHAT JOB RECEIVED. He spoke to God, or perhaps uttered a soliloquy, for the relief of his own heart, yet doubtless conscious of the sustaining presence of God. His words show his perfect reasonableness. There is nothing which makes people so unreasonable as trouble. Yet Job was not yet turned one hairs breadth from the line of truth and reason by his fearful calamities. It is a great security to see things as they are. Half our distress arises from our viewing them in false lights of passion and prejudice. If we are only calm enough to look about us, we may discover a strange revealing light in great calamities. They break through the conventional forms, and flash out facts.
1. Job saw his own littleness. In a moment he perceived that he had no natural right to all he had possessed. He had nothing when he entered the world; he could carry nothing out with him. Pride prepares for distresses which humility escapes. When we perceive how very small we are, we cannot be amazed at any loss which we may sustain.
2. Job recognized God's right. He who gives has a right to withdraw. All we have is on loan from God. This truth does not make our loss the less, but a perception of it calms the foolish, rebellious spirit, which is the source of our deepest misery.—W.F.A.
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
Job 1:20
Rent his mantle - Tearing the garments, shaving or pulling off the hair of the head, throwing dust or ashes on the head, and fitting on the ground, were acts by which immoderate grief was expressed. Job must have felt the bitterness of anguish when he was told that, in addition to the loss of all his property, he was deprived of his ten children by a violent death. Had he not felt this most poignantly, he would have been unworthy of the name of man.
Worshipped - Prostrated himself; lay all along upon the ground, with his face in the dust.
Job's resignation.
We cannot but be struck with the magnificent calmness of Job after receiving the successive blows of unprecedented calamities. He is not stunned; he is not distracted. He possesses his soul in patience. With a singular dignity of bearing he is seen to be greater now in his calamity than ever he appeared when at the height of success.
1. He mourned. This was natural, reasonable, and right. He would have been less than mall if he had taken his troubles without a pang. God loves the heart of flesh, not the stony heart; and the heart of flesh must needs feel great trouble very keenly. God's saint is not a stoic. But though Job mourned, he did so with calmness and self-restraint. He did not fling himself down in passionate grief. His rising, his rending his mantle—from neck to girdle, according to custom—his shaving his head, all indicate his marvellous self-possession. He goes through the dreary process of conventional mourning with unflinching decision. His calmness, however, only covers the depth of his sorrow. There is something terrible about that methodical process. The tragedy is sublime.
2. He worshipped. He did not renounce God. On the contrary, he blessed the Name of the Lord. He could not understand the meaning and end of his strange experience. But he knew God, and he never dreamed of doubting God. Moreover, his trouble drives him to God. He falls before God in adoration. The singular thing is that he is not seen praying for help. His trouble is beyond help, and he is not one to whine in weak misery. He loses himself in adoration of God. This is the great secret of fortitude—not to cry for deliverance, but to forget ourselves in God.
II WHAT JOB RECEIVED. He spoke to God, or perhaps uttered a soliloquy, for the relief of his own heart, yet doubtless conscious of the sustaining presence of God. His words show his perfect reasonableness. There is nothing which makes people so unreasonable as trouble. Yet Job was not yet turned one hairs breadth from the line of truth and reason by his fearful calamities. It is a great security to see things as they are. Half our distress arises from our viewing them in false lights of passion and prejudice. If we are only calm enough to look about us, we may discover a strange revealing light in great calamities. They break through the conventional forms, and flash out facts.
1. Job saw his own littleness. In a moment he perceived that he had no natural right to all he had possessed. He had nothing when he entered the world; he could carry nothing out with him. Pride prepares for distresses which humility escapes. When we perceive how very small we are, we cannot be amazed at any loss which we may sustain.
2. Job recognized God's right. He who gives has a right to withdraw. All we have is on loan from God. This truth does not make our loss the less, but a perception of it calms the foolish, rebellious spirit, which is the source of our deepest misery.—W.F.A.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Romans 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
1 Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, a called
2 apostle, separated unto God's good news, which He before promised through His prophets in (the)
3 holy Scriptures, concerning His Son: who was
4 born of David's seed according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the
5 dead,- Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we received grace and apostleship, for obedience of faith among all the nations for His name's sake;
6 among whom are ye also,- called as Jesus Christ's:
7 to all those who are in Rome beloved of God, called as saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 apostle, separated unto God's good news, which He before promised through His prophets in (the)
3 holy Scriptures, concerning His Son: who was
4 born of David's seed according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the
5 dead,- Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we received grace and apostleship, for obedience of faith among all the nations for His name's sake;
6 among whom are ye also,- called as Jesus Christ's:
7 to all those who are in Rome beloved of God, called as saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
(This outline is of unknown origin)
1. The young preacher should abstain from fleshly lusts; I Peter 2:11.
2. The young preacher should not have fellowship with unfruitfulness; Eph. 5:11.
3. The young preacher should abstain from all evil; I Thess. 5:22.
1. The young preacher should recognize the error of gossip; James 1:26.
2. The young preacher should not be a talebearer; Lev. 19:16.
3. The young preacher's conversation should honor Christ; Phil. 1:27.
1. The young preacher should pray with faith; Matt. 21:22.
2. The young preacher should pray with humility; II Chron. 33:12.
3. The young preacher should pray with earnestness; I Thess. 3:10.
1. The young preacher should worship God in spirit and truth; John 4:24.
2. The young preacher should worship with reverence; Exodus 3:5.
3. The young preacher:- should worship with rejoicing; Psa.122:1.
1. The young preacher should hear the burdens of others; Gal. 6:2.
2. The young preacher should show hospitality; I Peter 4:9.
3. The young preacher should minister unto others; I Peter 4:10.
1. The young preacher should be an example in good works; Titus 2:7.
2. The young preacher should he an example in speech; Job 2:10.
3. The young preacher should be an example in conduct; Heb. 11:2.
1. The young preacher should defend the faith; Rom. 1:16.
2. The young preacher should preach with boldness; II Cor. 4:13.
3. The young preacher should hold forth tile Word of Life; Phil. 2:16.
A young preacher will be wise to learn from older preachers who have already traveled the road they are getting read to trod. Experience is a valuable teacher. If you learn from those who have already experienced what it is to make right and wrong moves in the church, it may just keep you from heading down a wrong pathway that will lead to your destruction.
1. The young preacher should abstain from fleshly lusts; I Peter 2:11.
2. The young preacher should not have fellowship with unfruitfulness; Eph. 5:11.
3. The young preacher should abstain from all evil; I Thess. 5:22.
1. The young preacher should recognize the error of gossip; James 1:26.
2. The young preacher should not be a talebearer; Lev. 19:16.
3. The young preacher's conversation should honor Christ; Phil. 1:27.
1. The young preacher should pray with faith; Matt. 21:22.
2. The young preacher should pray with humility; II Chron. 33:12.
3. The young preacher should pray with earnestness; I Thess. 3:10.
1. The young preacher should worship God in spirit and truth; John 4:24.
2. The young preacher should worship with reverence; Exodus 3:5.
3. The young preacher:- should worship with rejoicing; Psa.122:1.
1. The young preacher should hear the burdens of others; Gal. 6:2.
2. The young preacher should show hospitality; I Peter 4:9.
3. The young preacher should minister unto others; I Peter 4:10.
1. The young preacher should be an example in good works; Titus 2:7.
2. The young preacher should he an example in speech; Job 2:10.
3. The young preacher should be an example in conduct; Heb. 11:2.
1. The young preacher should defend the faith; Rom. 1:16.
2. The young preacher should preach with boldness; II Cor. 4:13.
3. The young preacher should hold forth tile Word of Life; Phil. 2:16.
A young preacher will be wise to learn from older preachers who have already traveled the road they are getting read to trod. Experience is a valuable teacher. If you learn from those who have already experienced what it is to make right and wrong moves in the church, it may just keep you from heading down a wrong pathway that will lead to your destruction.
Friday, June 4, 2010
What was my past?
I was thinking about my past, and I wondered, Did I have to get so far in the pit for me to see Jesus? No, but I am glad he reached down and got me out, He didn't get in the pit with me but his hand descended and I ascended. I was on a road of destruction and ruin in sin, The Bible says, Ezekiel 18:30 Therefore I will judge you....., saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
I was in ruin, but he got me, Jesus passed by , and I looked and now I live,
I live because He lives, And because HE lives I will one day be in Glory,,,,woooohooooo!
Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
I was polluted in my own sin, I was in ruins, I was in a horrible pit, my feet was set upon miry clay, I had no foundation, but I thank God I looked upon Him and he showed mercy for me, He paid the debt I owed, and now I am free,
Oh my Past was awful, my past was filled with Sin, But they are gone and forgotten,
Jeremiah 31:34...... for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
That old Devil would like to bring my past up, my friends would like to bring up my past, my enemy's would like to bring up my past, when I worked for my dad, he wanted to bring up my past,,,
but thank God, Thank God I am saved and they are forgotten!!!!
Sin had wounded me, sin had cast me out, and the world classified me an outcast,but my Lord took me up, My Lord healed my wounds and fixed me up,
There was a time when they cried Out,"Is there no Balm in Gilead? Is there not a physician? IS there any hope?"
Oh I say Look up Oh child. look up, For when Jesus passes by there shall be a remedy,
The Lord said in Ezekiel 16, Live ye, Live YE!!
you can live my friend, you can live.
What was my path?
It was my sin, but oh what a day Aug 17 1998 was to me. When he washed me, and cleansed me.,
That old devil would like to convince me I am lost, but I will show him the day, I will shout it and sing thank God I am free,
I was in ruin, but he got me, Jesus passed by , and I looked and now I live,
I live because He lives, And because HE lives I will one day be in Glory,,,,woooohooooo!
Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
I was polluted in my own sin, I was in ruins, I was in a horrible pit, my feet was set upon miry clay, I had no foundation, but I thank God I looked upon Him and he showed mercy for me, He paid the debt I owed, and now I am free,
Oh my Past was awful, my past was filled with Sin, But they are gone and forgotten,
Jeremiah 31:34...... for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
That old Devil would like to bring my past up, my friends would like to bring up my past, my enemy's would like to bring up my past, when I worked for my dad, he wanted to bring up my past,,,
but thank God, Thank God I am saved and they are forgotten!!!!
Sin had wounded me, sin had cast me out, and the world classified me an outcast,but my Lord took me up, My Lord healed my wounds and fixed me up,
There was a time when they cried Out,"Is there no Balm in Gilead? Is there not a physician? IS there any hope?"
Oh I say Look up Oh child. look up, For when Jesus passes by there shall be a remedy,
The Lord said in Ezekiel 16, Live ye, Live YE!!
you can live my friend, you can live.
What was my path?
It was my sin, but oh what a day Aug 17 1998 was to me. When he washed me, and cleansed me.,
That old devil would like to convince me I am lost, but I will show him the day, I will shout it and sing thank God I am free,
Monday, May 31, 2010
Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
I THE DUTY COMMANDED. "Let us do good." Christian life is not a mere easy and decent inoffensiveness. A man is not harmless who does no good. The barren tree is hurtful, because it cumbers the ground and draws to itself the fertilizing qualities of the earth, which would make a better tree more fruitful. It brings forth no bad fruit; yet it is cast into the fire. Therefore we must not only "cease to do evil," but" learn to do well." "To do good and to communicate forget not". [Heb 13:16]
II THE DUTY BOUNDED BY OPPORTUNITY. "As we have therefore opportunity." Cotton Mather says, "The opportunity to do good imposes the obligation to do it." It is not when our inclination or our self-interest or the thirst for fame or gratitude dispose us that we are to do good, but at every opportunity that opens on our path. These opportunities are constantly around us in the common intercourse of life, but they specially arise in connection with suffering and distress. Therefore "in the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand."
III THE SPHERE OF BENEVOLENCE. There is a wider sphere, and a narrower within it: "Do good unto all men, and especially to them who are of the household of faith." There are distinctions even in the wider sphere. We recognize them in the obligations of family life. "If any man provide not for his own, he is worse than an infidel;" we recognize the claims of friendship and of gratitude; yet our beneficence is to extend to all men within the range of opportunity. It is a significant fact that the Apostle Peter, in naming the successive graces of life that are essential to our partaking of the Divine nature, says, "Add to your brotherly kindness charity." There may be a selfish or sectarian feeling that leads us to forget the wider relations in which we stand in the scheme of Divine providence. Yet the brotherly kindness stands first. We are to do good, "especially to them who are of the household of faith;" on the same principle as we are bound to remember first the wants of our family or our friends. The spirit of the Rousseau philanthropy would not tolerate any distinctions of this sort. The household in question, which includes the whole collective body of Christians, is a large, a growing, a loving household, and, in early times, sorely scattered by persecution. There was, therefore, a special need to show kindness to its members. The" collection for the saints" [1Co 16:1-2] is a practical illustration of this nearer relationship.
II THE DUTY BOUNDED BY OPPORTUNITY. "As we have therefore opportunity." Cotton Mather says, "The opportunity to do good imposes the obligation to do it." It is not when our inclination or our self-interest or the thirst for fame or gratitude dispose us that we are to do good, but at every opportunity that opens on our path. These opportunities are constantly around us in the common intercourse of life, but they specially arise in connection with suffering and distress. Therefore "in the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand."
III THE SPHERE OF BENEVOLENCE. There is a wider sphere, and a narrower within it: "Do good unto all men, and especially to them who are of the household of faith." There are distinctions even in the wider sphere. We recognize them in the obligations of family life. "If any man provide not for his own, he is worse than an infidel;" we recognize the claims of friendship and of gratitude; yet our beneficence is to extend to all men within the range of opportunity. It is a significant fact that the Apostle Peter, in naming the successive graces of life that are essential to our partaking of the Divine nature, says, "Add to your brotherly kindness charity." There may be a selfish or sectarian feeling that leads us to forget the wider relations in which we stand in the scheme of Divine providence. Yet the brotherly kindness stands first. We are to do good, "especially to them who are of the household of faith;" on the same principle as we are bound to remember first the wants of our family or our friends. The spirit of the Rousseau philanthropy would not tolerate any distinctions of this sort. The household in question, which includes the whole collective body of Christians, is a large, a growing, a loving household, and, in early times, sorely scattered by persecution. There was, therefore, a special need to show kindness to its members. The" collection for the saints" [1Co 16:1-2] is a practical illustration of this nearer relationship.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
When I am alone.....
I will start by saying this, Having Jesus as my Savior, I am Never Alone.
But this scripture means alot to me. Job 19:14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.
I like what Barnes says concerning this verse and the Psalmist, My kinsfolk have failed - My neighbors (קרובי qarobay ), those who were near to me. It may refer to "nearness" of affinity, friendship, or residence. The essential idea is that of "nearness" - whether by blood, affection, or vicinity. In Ps 38:11, it denotes near friends. Psalms 38:11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
When I think about Job I am often reminded of how he lived before his trial, This man had it all, Family, friends and possessions. This was a man that the Lord was pleased with. HE not only worshiped God but even interceded for his family. Job 1:5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And this is something he did continually, he did not just live for God once a year when it came time to offer up sacrifice, he served God daily. Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
Job was a man that walked with God, His name by interpretation means one that weeps and cries, (Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary)
In Hebrew his name means, Prosecuted or hated.
Why did his name mean these things? I wondered. The Lord reminded me of this scripture that really helped me understand the weeping and crying, Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
He did not just loved and feared God, but he also feared that a day would come that he might not be able to withstand, not that he would lose his wealth, or his household or even his own health, I believe he feared that he would not be able to go through it, or comprehend his affliction.
Job was a honest and sincere man, a man that not only feared God but was perfect in his walk with God, by perfect I mean he was gentle,and morally pious. He was humble as well, he was also honest and upright,
As far as being persecuted and hated we see that through his trials of his faith, what I mean is remember what Satan thought he would do when he lost it all, Satan thought he would curse God, But the more he was put on the grill he lifted up his eyes to God.
His wife who lost her children as well and her healthy husband told him to curse the Lord and die, but yet he helped to strengthen her faith.
If you think about it she had to go through the door of death to have more children, how many mothers do you know who lost all her children would be willing to raise more kids at the thought of burying her children again, A WOMAN OF FAITH!!!
If job would have quit on God she would have quit on God,
How you react to pressure will effect others around you. Well that is all for today. There is so much into this one man of Faith,
But this scripture means alot to me. Job 19:14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.
I like what Barnes says concerning this verse and the Psalmist, My kinsfolk have failed - My neighbors (קרובי qarobay ), those who were near to me. It may refer to "nearness" of affinity, friendship, or residence. The essential idea is that of "nearness" - whether by blood, affection, or vicinity. In Ps 38:11, it denotes near friends. Psalms 38:11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
When I think about Job I am often reminded of how he lived before his trial, This man had it all, Family, friends and possessions. This was a man that the Lord was pleased with. HE not only worshiped God but even interceded for his family. Job 1:5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And this is something he did continually, he did not just live for God once a year when it came time to offer up sacrifice, he served God daily. Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
Job was a man that walked with God, His name by interpretation means one that weeps and cries, (Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary)
In Hebrew his name means, Prosecuted or hated.
Why did his name mean these things? I wondered. The Lord reminded me of this scripture that really helped me understand the weeping and crying, Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
He did not just loved and feared God, but he also feared that a day would come that he might not be able to withstand, not that he would lose his wealth, or his household or even his own health, I believe he feared that he would not be able to go through it, or comprehend his affliction.
Job was a honest and sincere man, a man that not only feared God but was perfect in his walk with God, by perfect I mean he was gentle,and morally pious. He was humble as well, he was also honest and upright,
As far as being persecuted and hated we see that through his trials of his faith, what I mean is remember what Satan thought he would do when he lost it all, Satan thought he would curse God, But the more he was put on the grill he lifted up his eyes to God.
His wife who lost her children as well and her healthy husband told him to curse the Lord and die, but yet he helped to strengthen her faith.
If you think about it she had to go through the door of death to have more children, how many mothers do you know who lost all her children would be willing to raise more kids at the thought of burying her children again, A WOMAN OF FAITH!!!
If job would have quit on God she would have quit on God,
How you react to pressure will effect others around you. Well that is all for today. There is so much into this one man of Faith,
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Memory
My first job was with The Confederate Air Force, I met many of WWII,Korean,Vietnam veterans. The one person i met that I never Will forget was a survivor of the Bombing of Hiroshima, She told me how the skin just melted on her body, she was just a child when they dropped the Atomic bomb. She became a friend and we talked daily, she was 64 when I met her. The stories she told me was unusual and interesting. Her husband she met later and was the son of a WWII bomber, not on a B29, but on a B24, I thought that was weird though. Everytime they reenacted the bombing she would shake so much, but she was not mad at the show or at our country, our country had to do what it needed to save many lives, and this she told me her self, amazing. She had many complications, especially her eyesight, she wore dark glasses to protect her sight, and heavy clothing even in hot weather due to her skin being so sensitive, only regret she had was not having children,,,anyways Remember to thank a Vet. and pray for our troops safety and Salvation. I just remembered something she told me,, she mentioned that if she had a child, she would have hope he would be like me,,,I was 16 when I met her and she always would love to just sit and talk. After they closed the base we lost contact, but it was a good 5 years that I never will forget, this is also the first time I mentioned her in years,,My regret is that when I met her I was lost and I don't know about her, oh Lord
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia
(1) The Tempter. The woman was approached by the serpent, Devil (Ge 3:1; Re 12:9; 20:2).
(2) Means. He approached her by speaking in her own language and by falsely interpreting the law of God (Ge 3:1-5; Joh 8:44).
(3) Points Tempted. The woman was tempted in
(a) the lust of the flesh,
(b) the lust of the eye,
(c) and the pride of life (Ge 3:1-6; 1Jo 2:16).
(4) Results. The woman was deceived (2Co 11:3); the man was not (1Ti 2:13-15), but the eating of the fruit brought the speedy sentence of death (Ge 2:16-17; Ro 5:12-19). All the guilty parties were involved in the results.
(5) General Results.
(a) The serpent was doomed to disgrace and destruction;
(b) the woman was doomed to sorrow in child-bearing and subserviency to her husband;
(c) and the man was doomed to sorrow, disappointment, and hard labor (Ge 3:14-19).
(6) Remote Results. Man's will power was doubtless weakened by transgression, but he still had the power to partake of the tree and life and live forever (Ge 3:22-24). His memory was doubtless weakened by sin, but he remembered all the circumstances of the temptation and transgression (Ge 3:1-13). His reason was doubtless weakened by disobedience, but he was able to attempt to shift the responsibility from his shoulders when confronted with the results of his crime (Ge 3:12-13).
(7) Causes of Sin and Death. Sin, death, and their terrible consequences were brought about by
(a) hearing,
(b) believing,
(c) and yielding to a lie.
(1) The Tempter. The woman was approached by the serpent, Devil (Ge 3:1; Re 12:9; 20:2).
(2) Means. He approached her by speaking in her own language and by falsely interpreting the law of God (Ge 3:1-5; Joh 8:44).
(3) Points Tempted. The woman was tempted in
(a) the lust of the flesh,
(b) the lust of the eye,
(c) and the pride of life (Ge 3:1-6; 1Jo 2:16).
(4) Results. The woman was deceived (2Co 11:3); the man was not (1Ti 2:13-15), but the eating of the fruit brought the speedy sentence of death (Ge 2:16-17; Ro 5:12-19). All the guilty parties were involved in the results.
(5) General Results.
(a) The serpent was doomed to disgrace and destruction;
(b) the woman was doomed to sorrow in child-bearing and subserviency to her husband;
(c) and the man was doomed to sorrow, disappointment, and hard labor (Ge 3:14-19).
(6) Remote Results. Man's will power was doubtless weakened by transgression, but he still had the power to partake of the tree and life and live forever (Ge 3:22-24). His memory was doubtless weakened by sin, but he remembered all the circumstances of the temptation and transgression (Ge 3:1-13). His reason was doubtless weakened by disobedience, but he was able to attempt to shift the responsibility from his shoulders when confronted with the results of his crime (Ge 3:12-13).
(7) Causes of Sin and Death. Sin, death, and their terrible consequences were brought about by
(a) hearing,
(b) believing,
(c) and yielding to a lie.
The Prayer
PRA'YER, n. In a general sense, the act of asking for a favor, and particularly with earnestness.
[websters 1828]
Are we earnest in our prayer life, do yo have victory, and if not. Why? I like what R.A Torrey said concerning;The Secret of Christians Powerlessness
These seven words contain the secret of the poverty and powerlessness of the average Christian, of the average minister, and of the average church. "Why is it," many a Christian is asking, "that I make such poor progress in my Christian life? Why do I have so little victory over sin? Why do I win so few souls to Christ? Why do I grow so slowly into the likeness of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?" And God answers in the words of the text: "Neglect of prayer. You have not, because you ask not."
Now the definition of [pray] is:
v.i. L. precor; proco; this word belongs to the same family as preach and reproach; Heb. to bless, to reproach; rendered in Job 2.9, to curse; properly, to reproach, to rail at or upbraid. In Latin the word precor signifies to supplicate good or evil, and precis signifies a prayer and a curse.
1. To ask with earnestness or zeal, as for a favor, or for something desirable; to entreat; to supplicate.
Pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you. Matt.5.
2. To petition; to ask, as for a favor; as in application to a legislative body.
3. In worship, to address the Supreme Being with solemnity and reverence, with adoration, confession of sins, supplication for mercy, and thanksgiving for blessings received.
When thou prayest, enter into thy closet,and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matt.6.
4. I pray, that is, I pray you tell me, or let me know, is a common mode of introducing a question.
PRAY, v.t. To supplicate; to entreat; to urge.
We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor.5.
1. In worship, to supplicate; to implore; to ask with reverence and humility.
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee.
Acts 8.
2. To petition. The plaintiff prays judgment of the court.
He that will have the benefit of this act, must pray a prohibition before a sentence in the ecclesiastical court.
3. To ask or intreat in ceremony or form.
Pray my colleague Antonius I may speak with him.
In most instances, this verb is transitive only by ellipsis. To pray God, is used for to pray to God; to pray a prohibition, is to pray for a prohibition, &c.
To pray in aid, in law, is to call in for help one who has interest in the cause.
God hears and encourages prayer. A cry to God is the mark of a soul truly turning to Him: "Behold, he prayeth," was said of Saul of Tarsus. Ac 9:11. To the saints it is said, "Pray without ceasing;" "ask and ye shall receive." "If we ask anything according to his will he heareth us, and . . . . we know that we have the petitions." "All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive." "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." The disciples as left here, representative of Christ and charged with His interests, were to ask in His name; and the same is true in principle as regards believers now. Mr 11:24; Joh 14:13; 15:16; 16:23,26; Jas 1:5-7; 1Jo 5:14-15. Christians are exhorted to make known all their petitions, or requests, to God, and having done so, the peace of God shall keep their hearts and minds. Php 4:6-7. This is their wondrous privilege: they have addressed God, and in peace they leave it with Him to grant their petitions or not.
107 times we find the word prayer in the bible.
[websters 1828]
Are we earnest in our prayer life, do yo have victory, and if not. Why? I like what R.A Torrey said concerning;The Secret of Christians Powerlessness
These seven words contain the secret of the poverty and powerlessness of the average Christian, of the average minister, and of the average church. "Why is it," many a Christian is asking, "that I make such poor progress in my Christian life? Why do I have so little victory over sin? Why do I win so few souls to Christ? Why do I grow so slowly into the likeness of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?" And God answers in the words of the text: "Neglect of prayer. You have not, because you ask not."
Now the definition of [pray] is:
v.i. L. precor; proco; this word belongs to the same family as preach and reproach; Heb. to bless, to reproach; rendered in Job 2.9, to curse; properly, to reproach, to rail at or upbraid. In Latin the word precor signifies to supplicate good or evil, and precis signifies a prayer and a curse.
1. To ask with earnestness or zeal, as for a favor, or for something desirable; to entreat; to supplicate.
Pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you. Matt.5.
2. To petition; to ask, as for a favor; as in application to a legislative body.
3. In worship, to address the Supreme Being with solemnity and reverence, with adoration, confession of sins, supplication for mercy, and thanksgiving for blessings received.
When thou prayest, enter into thy closet,and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matt.6.
4. I pray, that is, I pray you tell me, or let me know, is a common mode of introducing a question.
PRAY, v.t. To supplicate; to entreat; to urge.
We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor.5.
1. In worship, to supplicate; to implore; to ask with reverence and humility.
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee.
Acts 8.
2. To petition. The plaintiff prays judgment of the court.
He that will have the benefit of this act, must pray a prohibition before a sentence in the ecclesiastical court.
3. To ask or intreat in ceremony or form.
Pray my colleague Antonius I may speak with him.
In most instances, this verb is transitive only by ellipsis. To pray God, is used for to pray to God; to pray a prohibition, is to pray for a prohibition, &c.
To pray in aid, in law, is to call in for help one who has interest in the cause.
God hears and encourages prayer. A cry to God is the mark of a soul truly turning to Him: "Behold, he prayeth," was said of Saul of Tarsus. Ac 9:11. To the saints it is said, "Pray without ceasing;" "ask and ye shall receive." "If we ask anything according to his will he heareth us, and . . . . we know that we have the petitions." "All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive." "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." The disciples as left here, representative of Christ and charged with His interests, were to ask in His name; and the same is true in principle as regards believers now. Mr 11:24; Joh 14:13; 15:16; 16:23,26; Jas 1:5-7; 1Jo 5:14-15. Christians are exhorted to make known all their petitions, or requests, to God, and having done so, the peace of God shall keep their hearts and minds. Php 4:6-7. This is their wondrous privilege: they have addressed God, and in peace they leave it with Him to grant their petitions or not.
107 times we find the word prayer in the bible.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Preacher
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
1: The Word, "Timothy had not to create a gospel, but to preach one; and the "Word" is broad and vast enough for any preacher. The cross has for its circumference all truth, and is to be carried into all sph...eres of life."
2:PREACH IT WITH INSTANCY. It has to do with "the present salvation" and the future well being of man.
3:The season, 1. The season may be only now. Tomorrow preacher or hearer, or both, may be gone.2. The truth can never be out of season. We need it always—in all places,in all our duties, temptations, and trials.
4:PREACH IT WITH AUTHORITY. That is, with the authority of truth, not your own ex-cathedra authority. "Meekly;" but not as though your congregations were patrons to be pleased, or Sanhedrims to try your opinions. Modestly; but with authority; not, as I said, your own authority, but the authority of truth, which has its own witness within. So you will reprove men fearlessly, never hiding them from themselves by cunning words of flattery. And you will "rebuke"—for evil soon spreads if it be not exposed and condemned at once—just as Nathan boldly faced David, and said, "Thou art the man."
5: (a note here is that this is a point most forgotten by our modern preacher.)
PREACH IT WITH EXHORTATION. The teacher is not to be merely a scornful satirist of immorality—a sort of Juvenal. Nor is he to be a lightning conductor of Divine wrath; he is to seek to save men. He has not done his work when he has revealed the Law of God against evil. He is to remember that the Christ he preaches is the Son of man who is come, "not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved."
1: The Word, "Timothy had not to create a gospel, but to preach one; and the "Word" is broad and vast enough for any preacher. The cross has for its circumference all truth, and is to be carried into all sph...eres of life."
2:PREACH IT WITH INSTANCY. It has to do with "the present salvation" and the future well being of man.
3:The season, 1. The season may be only now. Tomorrow preacher or hearer, or both, may be gone.2. The truth can never be out of season. We need it always—in all places,in all our duties, temptations, and trials.
4:PREACH IT WITH AUTHORITY. That is, with the authority of truth, not your own ex-cathedra authority. "Meekly;" but not as though your congregations were patrons to be pleased, or Sanhedrims to try your opinions. Modestly; but with authority; not, as I said, your own authority, but the authority of truth, which has its own witness within. So you will reprove men fearlessly, never hiding them from themselves by cunning words of flattery. And you will "rebuke"—for evil soon spreads if it be not exposed and condemned at once—just as Nathan boldly faced David, and said, "Thou art the man."
5: (a note here is that this is a point most forgotten by our modern preacher.)
PREACH IT WITH EXHORTATION. The teacher is not to be merely a scornful satirist of immorality—a sort of Juvenal. Nor is he to be a lightning conductor of Divine wrath; he is to seek to save men. He has not done his work when he has revealed the Law of God against evil. He is to remember that the Christ he preaches is the Son of man who is come, "not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved."
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Pastor preached a great message tonight, dealing about the fall of satan, but what he said tonight made me study, i have read Ezekiel over and over but it is one word i missed, Ezekiel 28:12 the word, lamentation is there. What he said tonight was that the Lord lamented over the thought of Lucifer falling into sin, now God knows all, and He knew that he would fall, but that was not what he wanted, his pride got to Lucifer and he wanted more. He wanted more but it cost him and those that fell with him. And God said that the Fire will one day meet him. take time to study Ezekiel 28:12-19, then go to Isaiah 14. It was a great message about the fall, I would have loved to have it on tape or cd, but they don't record there at the mission. Pastor later told me that he had preached that @ the church some years ago but he had more liberty tonight, and it seems that way, these men look forward to seeing us, we rotate every Sat on who testifies then preaches, tonight was Pastor Paul. last week was Joe, and I got the helm next Sat, I testified tonight before he preached, I read from Isaiah 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
The wicked think they get away with there sin but God will judge, there reward will come, Gods timing is perfect. I elaborated awhile. and God gave much liberty.
The wicked think they get away with there sin but God will judge, there reward will come, Gods timing is perfect. I elaborated awhile. and God gave much liberty.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What is going on.
Why are we losing so many? Is what is asked, but Jesus said there would be a falling away. It is unfortunate that we are living in this generation, it breaks my heart. Just to see the carelessness of youth is heartbreaking, but we must commit ourselves to not giving up, I have youth and my friends have youth and the Devil is fighting to destroy our families. We like Paul have to keep on preaching,and hope they get it, accountability needs to focused, is it the answer, I don't know, but it wont hurt to stress it. Paul told Timothy to commit to that which was taught to him, and to avoid certain things that would destroy him. 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
Is this the verses needed to be preached at the top of high places, I do know its a good one, all verses are good, are are Jesus's words. I am just stressing that something has to work, and men's devises have failed and will fail, more youth are tattooed up and not caring then ever before today,
With tears i will stress that we cant give up.
We are not on a losing side, we are the winners those that are saved. We need to keep on preaching, keep on putting Gods words on there hearts and minds.
We need to warn against crossing over to heathenism, and forsaking truth, and avoid fruitless conversations, and those that falsely proclaim the Gospel.
Is this the verses needed to be preached at the top of high places, I do know its a good one, all verses are good, are are Jesus's words. I am just stressing that something has to work, and men's devises have failed and will fail, more youth are tattooed up and not caring then ever before today,
With tears i will stress that we cant give up.
We are not on a losing side, we are the winners those that are saved. We need to keep on preaching, keep on putting Gods words on there hearts and minds.
We need to warn against crossing over to heathenism, and forsaking truth, and avoid fruitless conversations, and those that falsely proclaim the Gospel.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
He Lives
Because He Lives I live. I can still rejoice after 12 years that I will never see, smell, or even be tempted to go to Hell. I can rejoice forever, I can praise to the highest that I am saved, and I know it. Jesus is and will ever be Lord of my life, but beyond that He is Lord of all. Sceptics will say that he was just a prophet, a good teacher and just a man. He was more than a prophet, teacher of teachers, though he came in form the of man 2000 yrs ago, he is God. Yes he still has the marks and yes He is at the right hand of the Father, And Yes he is the Saviour. I am just rambling here, because I havnet blogged in awhile. but yes I know that He lives, yes I know that He loves me, yes I am saved, and yes you can be saved too. And yes still preaching

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