Monday, April 7, 2008

How ignorant

I just proved last night how ignorant people are. I always get this stupid emails about English should be the only language in our country and that these illegals should go back to were they came from. Now mind you they say that while eating potatoes there children dare not to pick in the fields, while drinking orange juice from picked oranges there children wouldn't want to go pick all day, While ordering extra pickles on there hamburgers that there children have said I don't want to work in the Fields, While looking out a clean glass window 25 stories up that there children will not work.
I say if you don't want them to come why do we raise kids who think that those jobs are not that important, We gripe about the economy but yet we have first choice of these jobs but hey I wont do that right. I have asked some young teenagers that have said there are people for that, What people? The ones that you complain about. There are people in those country's that know that our kids will not work those jobs, so they come, You want to change things lets change the face of migrant works to white faces. Wont happen will it. Why? Not enough money right, but hey they will come and work that because little is much when you ain't got none, and you live in a country of tyranny and poverty,
You don't want them to come then do something about it. I mean physically, because these emails are cause more racist hatred, Pass this email doesn't stop anything, Tell that child of yours that there are enough jobs in this country get get the unemployment rate down.
What did I prove, I sat there and was hearing all this french talking from those that complain that English is the language and asked," why not talk in English isn't that what you complain about"' and the response was this, this is English...I didn't know French was the English language in this country. I thought it was in Canada and France that they speak french, oh and this This Cajun French comes from there, or am I wrong Hmmmm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
