Saturday, November 15, 2008

Its Caldo Time

Well today we had our first taste of the winter that is to come, so we figured why not start out right and make Melinda's famous Caldo, we even made home made corn tortillas and it was so good, the family is still eating while I am posting this message. Todd tried it for the first time and he has had 3 bowls so far, That boy can eat. It is good to have a taste of the valley every now and then. We had a tradition in the valley with the Deleon's, up until we moved here. My wife is the only one that makes it the way I like it, allot of meat and cabbage, and all that other good stuff.
The Cajuns have there Gumbo for the colds and we have our Caldo. I will take a Caldo every time, especially my wife's. YUMMY!!!!!


DeeDee said...

MMMMMMMM!!!! I LOVE MELINDAS CALDO! I wish you guys were here or us over there just so we can eat some! LOL love you guys

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW... It was sooo good!