Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008, 2009

Well another year has come and gone, and all has been well. God has truly blessed, I am doing fine, aside from aches and pains, but all is well. I find it so hard to write anything down, and I am not sure why though. I do know this, That all is good, do I struggle, yes. Who doesn't though, Those that know Bro. Frank Pittman, please continue to pray. He has stage 4 cancer and it is not good, It is in his lungs and his throat. What hurts him the most is the fluids that build up in his lungs. They have drained out so much. The family hopes to take him to Baja to treat his cancer there, there is a hospital called Hope fro Cancer that treats the cancer only that wont hurt his body. Just pray for him though. I believe God can heal him.
Bro. Sammy Allen will be with us soon as well for a 2 week revival. And I cant wait. He will be in Odem, Texas next week and we hope to go see him Friday night. It will be a long drive, but well worth the drive. I have always enjoyed revival in Odem. God is ever present there during revivals.
Well, have a Happy New Year!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and be safe on your trip. When is ya'll revival. Remember Billy.

The Preacher said...

our revival starts on the the 11th
so you better come. Billy or I will send Pat after you guys

juan said...

@ preacher cool we will try to be up there on Friday for more revival