Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Stine Lumber web site

http://www.jennings.stineteam.com/ This link is the site to go to our stores website. in it you find some funny things. On the link with stinecinema you see the short films aslo the is a link to Stine TV and others. I just found out the part 5 of David and the freezer comes out this Friday. The thing that gets me is that this is during regular hours that they film these things. I find the Cokerdile hunter is the funniest. David Coker is the Hardware manager. As soon as I get the video I will post it. Weirdest bunch I have ever worked with. They even did a Stine Idol parody.


Sal said...

sounds like a fun place to work!

Jean Kincaid said...

This was hilarious. I bet no one minds coming in to work since they seem to have such fun.