Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From Sal

When we were lost it seemed that their was no guilty for tomorrow, or the thought of the future, when it came to health.

I thank God for salvation and it remove of the sting of death, the stain of sin and the future home in heaven.

But as far as the reaping what we sowed concerning our body's is still there. I remember one person in Texas after we witnessed to him he asked if God would heal him of his lung cancer now that he got saved, and if salvation would remove the guilt and the decease that crippled his body. I told him simply that when you wound your body and that no matter what you do to dress the wound the evidence is still there, the scars will always remain. I heard of surreys that try to remove scars but even with that they state that to the visible eye the mark will still stay there.

The only thing that I can come up with is this one thought,

That which makes you physically weak, should make you spiritually strong, God did not remove the thorn Paul had, though he pleaded.. I sometimes wonder what it was to, some lean so much to physical problems, I often wonder if it was the guilt of beening there of the stoning of Stephen or the guilt of wreaking so much havoc of the church before he got saved, No matter what it was it grieved him much, But it made him stronger spiritually, He became the greatest soul winner and missionary we have ever seen and heard.

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