Monday, January 5, 2009

Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life..John5:40

It is a fact that most sinners do not come to Jesus, and it is sad though, Because we as Christians know their destination. And the thing about is, its not that they cannot come to Christ it is that they Will not come. Jesus said in this verse, Ye will not come to me, that is sad to read what came from the Saviors mouth, the one that came that we might have life, spoke to some that would not come to him.
What is that stands between a sinner and salvation? What is that stands between a sinner and peace, forgiveness, a new heart everlasting life and Heaven itself?
It is simply his own wicked , and stubborn will.
You know we don't live in a country that we are forced to do things with out choice, we have no dictator or under a communist regime, we have a choice, we have freedom, and that is because some people decided years ago that they wanted to go to a place were they could worship God in peace were they weren't oppressed by their government. This nation was founded upon the fact that God was to be first. Our forefathers made that clear, but what is happening today, we are a nation that is forgetting God, and with that people are forgetting God and so their self will becomes harder and less likely to win to Christ. You think about it, those that witness door to door, their is more stubbornness in people today than ever before.
They are not looking for someone to be Lord over their lives, they want to do it their way. And that way is getting broader and broader, and that road leads to damnation.


juan said...

it is true door to door soul winning has become a little harder, I just pray that doesn't discourage any Christian

The Preacher said...

i think of that song,
Keep on the firing line, oh you must fight.....

juan said...

haven't heard that song in a while it is weird how some churches or song leaders usually stick to a couple of songs then you go to another church & say man I haven't heard that song, I believe every song leader should study other hymnals just like SS teachers have to study, just my opinion, but then again that goes your only limited to what the piano or guitar players know.