Friday, January 4, 2008

Better day today

You know I just thought of something, why isn't there a spell check on the title? I could come up with better titles but for the sake of spelling them I don't. Tough being handicapped (jk) Hey Jay after this month of blogging maybe I will be a better typer(is that a word) Or at least faster, Did hear from Big Juan and he talked of the possibility of visiting soon, oh and bring the camera Daddy's got some new moves. (joking) If one thing I learned here in Louisiana it is that these people cant take a joke. I find my self having to explain my self often, and those that know me like you guys in the valley all I do is try to make people laugh, (well sometimes at my expense). And me trying to explain my ways is like trying to figure How my Bolo tie broke. Oh and Juan I didn't think I was George Strait. I was going for Clint Eastwood though he never wore a bolo now that I think of it, But hey he's tough and so am I. Oh wait I am a cupcake never mind. Anyways have a Good day. Oh and hey don't forget you valleyites Diana's birthday is coming up on the ninth, Mija is growing up, she will be 17. It seems just like yesterday when we brought her home from work, oh wait that was yesterday. Oh and I checked, their is no word as typer, spellcheck was even confused

"I remmember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.
"Funny Short Sayings by, Rodney Dangerfield


Sal said...

Switch to Firefox. It spell checks everything. But it says typer is a word.

Juan can never make up his mind about going up there. I asked him a few days ago and he said you were a noninviter!

Didnt Clint where a bozo tie in that movie he was a singer or something.

Elvis's Bday is on the Eight. always forget about diana..oops.


juan said...

Firefox is so cool t does check everything. @ j I said I wasn't going up there if i wasn't invited, don't want to just show up, he he, maybe i will. well i am going up there probably till the weekend of the 12th of this month.
@ J elvis who?
@ preacher I got it on tape you wanted to be George strait. Also on tape me calling Melinda that "WORD" she always tells me to tell her. grrr

LUCY said...

I think that it is typist well I don't think actually I know.

Melinda said...

@THE PREACHER you know i'm sorry about the bolo tie---or am i---well i'm not sure if i am but either way i think i'm sorry i did it and yes diana's birthday is coming up and i thank God for her---she is a total blessing---i thank Him for you and John John too
@mandie YOU KNOW!!! it's ok i know how you really feel!!! it's ok she won't get mad just SAY IT!!!! you already did once just do it again it will make you feel better!!! we miss you all!!! ALOT well David my baby and mikey too more than you all LOVE YOU ALL!!!

juan said...

@crybaby, why do you have to rub it in, we will see you guys soon Lord willing just keep praying fro a good fellowship, & some time off, you guys have full time jobs now, not 10 to 12 hour work weeks, your such a nerd now