Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well we had the chill factor again, But hey that left over Caldo before bed was a good way to help stay warm, This morning is well under 25 and we feel it hard this old house has many rooms to keep warm and the heater doesn't work that well. But with a few blankets and a prayer we made it.
You know this Blog a day ain't that bad it is interesting how it is coming out especially the others who are on this. and the commenting is great so it pays off both ways I guess. well heading to work but Please remember to pray for my family, Melinda,John Jr,Diana and me of course. My back has been hurting lately, oh and pray for Melinda's back as well.

Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants.
Geraldo Rivera


Sal said...

maybe there is a cold front coming since your back hurts!

The Preacher said...

you are a nut bro.

juan said...

K bro praying for you guys, stay warm

Adriana Sujey said...

I agree on the blogging, it is turning out to be fun!

Sal said...

but what do we do in february ??

The Preacher said...

Good thing their is only 28 days in Febuary, oh wait is this a leap year because I am tired

Sal said...

yep. its a leap year. didnt you try to stay in the womb longer so that you could be born on leap year? but they pulled out?? lol