Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Sat. of 2008

Well all went well yesterday, went bowling and did pretty good. I got 2 strikes right of the gates. I ended up with 144 which was pretty good considering I stink, my next game in the first frame a got two gutter balls. end up with a 98. came back with 3 strikes. What is so good about this Sat. is that Melinda (a.k.a. The Princess) is off today first time in weeks, we have much plans and one is to go to one of my old church members daughters birthday party. It will be good, they will be serving Gumbo, and me like gumbo. We did experience a little prejudice yesterday to which is a norm down hear. Their isn't much hispanics down hear but when their is one the jokes and rudeness comes out. Something I don't like to talk about but it makes me mad. When I was a child and living in Florida had to battle with that alot, but it didn't make me hate any race just made me not want to be like that, learned alot as a child. But hey it is awesome what God does to a person when they get saved. I am going to try to talk to someone about how God has done to me and what God can do for them.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't.
Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945),


Sal said...

i havent bowled since the last time when you here brother!!! i stink at it too. :-(

juan said...

No wonder J wanted to go bowling today, sorry J no money, money has been tight the holidays and all, days off I get paid for them, but no overtime pay, overtime is good. Sounded like you all had fun maybe when we go up there we can do that I need to know when you guys can schedule a weekend off, so I can ask for days off

Rob said...

sorry I had to laugh on the Hispanic thing John .

I can somewhat relate .. when I lived in Missouri people were whitter than my butt . and I noticed the Hispanics would come out on sundays, we would go to Wal Mart and we would just give the head notce "whats up" and keep walking .. LOL

most white people looked at me strange like "Is he white or is he Mexican" ? haha. I blend in I guess a 1/2 breed.

Next time call the Bowling alley and asked if they have 8lb balls..? and then when they say "yes" .. say "then how the heck can you walk?" and hang up !

The Preacher said...

rob you are way out on left feild bro, but i love you man,

Sal said...

rob's comment coulda been a blog on its own...